Mounjaro KwikPen
How to use

Administering your weekly Mounjaro dose

Explore our step-by-step guide to taking your weekly Mounjaro dose and focus on achieving your weight loss goals and the health benefits that can come with it.

See what’s in your order

Decide when to take your dose

Prepare ahead of taking your dose

Step-by-step injection instructions

Relaxed Confident Ready

You might feel anxious about injecting yourself for the first time, but it’s a common and easy way for many people to take medication.

Once you understand each simple step involved, you’ll feel more confident and supported. And we’re always here if you have any questions or queries.

Let's get started together…

Unboxing your Mounjaro delivery

Receiving delivery

Your order will arrive securely with a special combination packaging of Woolcool and ice gel packs; both designed to keep everything at the correct temperature. There will be various items in the box, so let’s take a look and get familiar with everything.

1. Mounjaro KwikPen
2. Patient Information Leaflet and User Guide
3. One-off use needles
4. Swabs
5. Sharps bin

Make sure you have all of the listed items and then it’s important that you quickly place your Mounjaro KwikPen into the fridge for storage ahead of first use. Remember, Mounjaro must be refrigerated between 2°C to 8°C before first use. To maintain its effectiveness it's crucial to avoid freezing the medication.

Deciding when
to take your dose

Mounjaro is administered using the Mounjaro KwikPen, injected once a week on the same designated day. You can take it at any time of day, but the important thing is to take it at the same time and on the same day each week. We recommend planning a 15-minute window and slotting that into your weekly routine.

Write a weekly reminder on your kitchen calendar, set an alarm on your phone or add it to your online calendar. That way you’ll be reminded when it’s time to take your weekly dose. You’ll soon fall into an easy routine!

Preparing to
take your dose

There are a few simple steps to follow before you administer your injection and you must do these each time.


Check your Mounjaro KiwkPen

Unused KwikPens should be refrigerated between 2°C to 8°C before first use and after the first injection can be stored at room temperature (up to 30°C for no more than 30 days). Inspect your KwikPen to check:

  • The medication name and dose match your prescription

  • The KwikPen isn’t out of date or damaged

  • The medicine isn’t frozen

  • The medicine is colourless to slightly yellow

  • The medicine doesn’t contain any particles, or is cloudy or discoloured


Choose your injection site

You can choose from a few different injection sites depending on what works for you. But there are a few things to remember:

  • You can self-inject into your stomach or thigh areas

  • You can ask someone else to inject into the back of your upper arm

  • You should never inject into the exact same spot – rotate the injection spot each time

  • You can inject in the same area (the thigh, for example), but you need to choose a different spot each time (rotating the injection spot reduces the risk of infection and hard lumps forming)

  • If you inject into your stomach, you must inject at least 2 inches away from your belly button


Wash your hands

It’s important to practice good hand hygiene and make sure you’re always injecting your dose with clean hands. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and hot water. You can also use an anti-bacterial hand sanitiser as an extra measure.

If someone is administering the injection for you, make sure they’ve followed these hand hygiene instructions too.

Taking your dose

Now it’s time to take your dose. Follow all of the information and steps to make sure you’re preparing, using and storing your Mounjaro KwikPen correctly. Full injection instructions can also be found in this User Guide which comes with your KwikPen.


Step 1 – prepare the pen

  • Pull the pen cap off and wipe the red inner seal with a swab


Step 2 – prepare the pen

  • Select a new pen needle and pull off the paper tab from the outer needle shield

  • Push the pen needle straight onto the pen and twist the pen needle on until it is tight

  • Pull off the outer needle shield and keep it (it will be reused)

  • Pull off the inner needle shield and put it in your household bin


Step 3 – prime the pen

  • Slowly turn the dose knob until you hear 2 clicks and the extended line is shown in the dose window

  • Hold your pen with the needle pointing up and gently tap the cartridge holder to collect air bubbles at the top

  • Release some medicine into the air by pushing the dose knob until it stops, then slowly count to 5 while holding the dose knob (the 0 icon must be shown in the dose window)

  • If you do not see any medicine released while priming the pen, try again but do not repeat more than 2 additional times

  • Do not inject into your body


Step 4 – injecting the pen

  • Turn the dose knob until it stops and the 1 icon is shown in the dose window

  • Insert the needle into your skin (into your pre-chosen injection site)

  • Inject the medicine by pushing the dose knob in until it stops then slowly count to 5 while continuing to hold the dose knob

  • Check the 0 icon is now showing in the dose window and pull the needle out of your skin


Step 5 – after injecting

  • If you see a pinprick of blood after removing the needle (this is normal) lightly press the injection site with a cotton ball (do not rub)

  • Carefully replace the outer needle shield that you set aside earlier

  • Unscrew the capped needle and place into your supplied sharps container

  • Replace the pen cap (never store the pen with a needle attached and always store with the pen cap securely on)

  • Now your pen has been used it can be stored at room temperature up to 30°C for no more than 30 days (out of direct sunlight, heat and from the sight & reach of children)

  • If you’ve injected your 4th dose from the pen, the pen (not the needle) can be disposed of in your regular household bin, or taken to a local pharmacy for disposal

The more injections you administer, the quicker and more confident you’ll become. Our clinical team are always on standby should you have any questions about how to store, prepare and inject using your Mounjaro KwikPen.

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